- 10.4. Proposals & Sales Category
10.4.2. Backlog Report - 10.4.1. Project Status Report
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10.4.2. Backlog Report
Backlog Report
This report identifies all proposals and line items that are awaiting specific actions. These actions can include those lines remaining to be invoiced, booked, shipped, etc. The Backlog report is typically used to find proposals containing line items that have not been invoiced. At least one purchase order must exist on a proposal for it to appear on the Backlog report.
Backlog Report Options | Description |
Should the report be filtered to specific customers | This report can be filtered to display results for a specific customer or customers. Enter the first few characters of the customers name and any matches in your database will be displayed. Select the appropriate entry from the list. |
Should the report be filtered to specific vendors | This report can be filtered to display results for a specific vendor or vendors. Enter the first few characters of the vendors name and any matches in your database will be displayed. Select the appropriate entry from the list. |
Should the report be filtered to specific proposals | to run the report for a specific proposal or proposals, enter the first few characters of the proposal number and any matches in your database will be displayed, select the appropriate entry from the list. |
What do you want to show | Click on the drop down arrow in this field to view the available filter options. Select the desired option and the report will filtered with this option. The default option is 'Line items remaining to be invoiced'. |
Include zero sell items | By default, line items with a zero sell price are not included in this report. While you don't have to invoice for line items with a zero sell, you can use this option to identify proposals containing zero sell line items. |
Show work order lines as unacknowledged | Work Order line items are not acknowledged and are not displayed in the Backlog report by default. If you wish to have the Work Order line items displayed, check this box. |
Should the report be filtered by sales rep | To display proposals for a specific sales rep, select the name here. |
Should the report be filtered by sales coordinator | To display proposals for a specific coordinator, select the name here. |
Should the report be filtered by designer | To display proposals for a specific designer, select the name here. |
Should the report be filtered by project manager | To display proposals for a specific project manager, select the name here. |
Show Details | Detail View mode will display purchase order information, in Simple View mode, you must click on the [Show Purchase Order Details] link to see the line item details. |
Add this report to your saved reports | Clicking here will allow you to save your report criteria, the name you enter here will appear under your My Saved Reports menu option under Reports. |
The example Backlog report shown below was run in Detail view mode and the 'Line items remaining to be invoiced' filter was selected.
At the top of the report you will see sales reps names that are underlined. These names are links to that sales reps section of the report. Click on a name and that section of the report will be displayed.
The proposal number is also underlined. Click on a proposal number to open the proposal.
The purchase order number is also underlined. Click on a purchase order number to open the purchase order.
Each line item displayed will highlight when you place your mouse on the line in the report. You can click on the highlighted line to open the line item details as well.
- 10.4.2. Backlog Report
10.4. Proposals & Sales Category - « Previous
10.4.1. Project Status Report - Next »
10.4.3. Invoiced Sales Summary